128 advanced sound design patches with classic analog character.
Voice Component Modeling (VCM)
Over the past three years, I've spent lots of time analyzing classic synthesizers and acoustic analog instruments, to try and find out what objectively gives them their "vintage character" that some modern synthesizers don't have. I recorded hundreds of samples from classic VCO synths like the OBX, OBXA, Prophets, Yamaha CS80, MemoryMoog, Jupiter 4, Jupiter 8, and others... The common thread that I noticed between all of them is that there are "voice-by-voice offsets" to each voice in these polyphonic instruments. These offsets are a result of voice boards having discreet electrical components that are never perfectly matched. The small variance between electrical performance on a voice by voice basis causes small offsets to fine tuning, envelope speeds, and various other parameters. When you play a chord, you get all these small offsets that create natural phasing / detuning / temporal offsets, creating a more lush, organic sound. Modern synths are often "too perfect" with too much parity between tuning and other parameters, giving them a more sterile or harsh sound.
Is VCM similar to Sequential's "Vintage Knob"?
I've been asked this a bunch lately, since the release of the Prophet 5 Rev 4 and updates to the Prophet 6 and OB6. At first, I wasn't sure whether they had taken inspiration from the info I have published over the past few years... But I just picked up a Prophet 6 to do some detailed analysis and technical testing of the vintage knob implementation, and its doing the exact same thing I've been preaching over the past few years - Curated, stable per voice offsets to Osc Tuning, ADR Envelope Stage Timing, and Filter parameters... even the value ranges they are using in the Vintage Knob (toward the middle/noon position) are almost identical to many of the more basic VCM patches I've designed over the past few years and included in this soundset. (In addition, I do some even more advanced modeling, like intonation scaling per voice, and other macro behaviors to replicate effects I've measured on various vintage synths) So, yes, this type of voice modeling will give your Prophet Rev 2 a similar vintage type performance.
Advanced Modulation with the Rev2 Mod Matrix / Gated Seq
I realized that with the advanced modulation capabilities of the Prophet Rev2, along with a creative usage of the gated sequencer, that this type of unique voice-by-voice behavior can be modeled within the Rev2 synthesizer... and it works great!
128 Meticulously Designed Patches
This patch bank contains 128 voice modeled patches based on the measurements I took from classic synths... lots of lush, organic, poly synth character. In addition to modeling the unique voice-by-voice character into patches, I spent a lot of time designing in performance modulation... many patches offer a wide variety of timbres if you use a foot pedal or mod wheel. In addition, aftertouch is programmed in on many to give vibrato or other unique performance characteristics when you dig into the keys.
Some Free Example Patches
I have uploaded some free example patches at the link below. (the ones with VCM in the title)
More Info About Voice Component Modeling:
I wrote up a paper documenting my findings here: http://www.VoiceComponentModeling.com
The Official Prophet Rev2 Forum has an extensive discussion here: https://forum.sequential.com/index.php/topic,3449.0.html
More Articles About the Topic Here:
Some Videos Showing Voice Component Modeling:
Demo #1 of VCM Patch Bank, Showing off about 20 Patches
Blade Runner Patch Creation using VCM
A SoundSet for the Prophet Rev2
This product is a digital download... It is a patch bank for the Prophet Rev2 keyboard or Prophet Rev2 rack unit. It will be delivered as a .sysex patch bank with 128 patches.
I spent several months building out this patch bank, and there are a variety of different sounds. There are many classic analog synth sounds, including basses, leads, synths, keys, analog strings, analog brass, pads and others. My focus was on creating sounds useful to songwriters or soundtrack composers. I'm a big fan of classic rock, new wave, 80s, alt rock, atmospheric and electronica. Lots of those type of sounds. In addition, I have included many acoustic instrument emulations, including electric pianos (Rhodes, Wurli, Unique), wind instruments (flutes, trumpets, horns), string instruments (violins, violas, ensemble) and organs. There are also a handful of templates for creating your own VCM patches.
Many programs use layer stacks to achieve bigger sound, wider stereo image, or more complex multi-timbral sound design.
Highly Expressive, Dynamic Patches
Almost all patches have thoughtful perfomance modulations programmed in, using pressure/aftertouch, expression/foot pedal, and modulation wheel assignments to allow for dynamic performances. Dig into the keys with some pressure, and you'll get vibrato, or other unique modulations to give your playing additional character. Some patches have significant multi-parameter changes through the sweep of the mod wheel or expression pedal. Expression pedal is highly recommended! Also, some patches include additional breath modulation assignments, if using an external controller. (note: the additional breath mod is entirely optional... just an extra layer of additional modulation available on some patches, to morph into different sounds) On many of the patches I have completely maxed out the Rev2's extensive modulation matrix and performance modulation parameters.
Digital Download, License Terms
This licensed product is a digital download and is offered as a license to use. You will receive a .sysex soundbank file (actually three versions - one loads to User Bank 2 (U2) by default, one loads to User Bank 3 (U3), and the other loads to User Bank 4 (U4) by default. These files are only for use with the Prophet Rev2 Keyboard or Prophet Rev2 Rack unit. Once purchased, there are no refunds or exchanges available. You agree to not copy, redistribute, transfer or resell any of the patches in this product. The patches are copyrighted and licensed for your use only. You may use them in all your productions, including professional or commercial projects. If you have questions, email me at jason@jasoncooper.com.
Free Future Updates
I may do future updates to this soundbank. If I do, all future updates to the bank will be available to you for free if you puchase this.
Here's what others have been saying about this VCM sound bank and the voice component modeling techniques:
"This soundset is awesome! Brings the Rev2 alive! Lots of very useable patches - pads, brass, strings, bass, lead - excellent value for the price -thanks!" - RPP
"This is "wizard stuff" that shows what this synth is capable of" - BM
"Completely blown away by @creativespiral's patches. Beautiful lush sounding, very organic and massive. The VCM technique really works best with chords and layering A+B " - GH
"Great set of patches! Congrats!" - OM
"I've bought many sound banks and while most of them are good, this one is in a totally different league. The best thing is that all patches are extremely playable. My Rev 2 suddenly feels more organic and alive then ever. Almost like a different "more vintage" instrument." - MS
"Hi creativespiral. I just purchased your great set of patches. You did a fantastic job and I guess a can learn a lot from your work. Thank you for your creativity and keep on your awesome work. " - GT
"Hi creativespiral - I bought your patches and I have to say that your attempt on vangelis cs80 sound is just amazing -Thank you so much for your work" - DL
"Hello Jason, Just buy your patches. You make an incredible job.
Thanks for these great soundbank. " - GP
"Just purchased your sound bank and in my opinion this is a must have for any Rev2 owner. I also shared your youtube video exploring overtone stability with a couple friends and they all loved. Seriously this is some excellent work and you should keep following whatever path sparks your interest because it is certainly paying dividends." - BT
"I just got this too, it's really great. So many actually useful sounds, for me at least. I've been addicted to the binaural thing for a while and there are lots of those kind of patches, so I'm pretty psyched. Thanks!" - RS
"every single patch is gold bro, I knew you would nail it" - RC
"Wow, makes total sense and never realized this was even a possibility" - JS
"VCM is a crazy amazing trick that fixes the sonic issues I sometimes have with this and other modern analogue synths" - NY
"There are subtle but important modulation for most patches using aftertouch and the mod wheel (and even foot controller). I got goosebumps while playing some patches today. These patches are that good. I also appreciate that they are organized by categories and that there are 128 patches filling a whole bank. That is a big plus." - MS
"This is an amazing approach! At first I thought maybe you were trying to reinvent the wheel in regards to some sort of slop functionality, but this is a way more granular approach." - JG
"Sick techniques" - AD
"Wow this is an amazing resource!" - OW
"I am just going to gush here a bit over your work. I went ahead and purchased your soundset. What you have done is program EXACTLY what I wanted to hear when I bought the Rev2. THAT is the 'Prophet sound' IMO. I have owned many analog and digital synths over the years....and this gets as close as I have ever heard to the classic sound I remember." - RG
"I downloaded the VCM templates and OMG!! I can only say Thank you Jason!!!, it's as if I had put a turbo to the good Rev2. Now I'm testing my own configurations, I have fun for a while!!!
- AF
128 Patches List:
KEY ResoPluck VCM
KEY AnalogPluck VCM
KEY PluckBow VCM
KEY XpercPlk VCM
KEY BanditPlk VCM
KEY TemplePluck VCM
KEY MysticPluck VCM
KEY SuperClav VCM
KEY EP WurLeslie VCM
KEY EP PsycPhase VCM
KEY EP Everything VCM
KEY PizzPluck VCM
KEY EP Ethereal VCM
KEY BellSwirlPad VCM
KEY EP Submarine VCM
SYN VcoSawStab VCM
SYN BrightStabSt VCM
SYN FourSawStereo VCM
SYN WaveChorus VCM
SYN ProChirp VCM
SYN HugeSweep VCM
SYN Omega 8V4O VCM
SYN Mmoog6V3Saw VCM
SYN Dark Sector JC
SYN ResoStab VCM
SYN 80sRhythm VCM
BRS DynFlute2 VCM
BRS DynTrumpet VCM
BRS Vangel CS80 VCM
BRS 80s Classic OB2T
BRS Camera Eye VCM
BRS WideSawBrass VCM
BRS AnalogBrass VCM
BRS ClassChorus VCM
BRS Flanger 2059 VCM
BRS Prophetic VCM
BRS TrumpetEns VCM
STR Ssaw Detune VCM
STR DynStrings VCM
STR Orchestra VCM
STR Machine 330 VCM
STR Mmoog Swell VCM
STR EmoPhase VCM
STR SlowSomber VCM
STR SmoothExp VCM
STR DynEnsemble VCM
STR SynthetiPad VCM
STR SoloStrings VCM
STR ViolaSawSyn3 VCM
STR Prophetic8 VCM
PAD SolFlare CS8 VCM
PAD Unveil CS8 VCM
PAD Astral Choir VCM
PAD VCO Prophet 5
PAD VCO Hybrid P5 JC
PAD Prophet VCF
PAD Discovery 5 VCM
PAD Soft Pad VCM
PAD Discovery 5B VCM
PAD PulseWind VCM
PAD SpiritVox VCM
PAD Stargate VCM
BRS Ceremony VCM
BRS AnalogBrass VCM
BRS ClassChorus VCM
BAS MoogySqr VCM
BAS MoogyThumb VCM
BAS Minitaur VCM
BAS ResoSync VCM
BAS Myxomatos VCM
LED-M PfunkBern VCM
LED-M MoogSync VCM
LED-M Cosmonaut VCM
LED-P WindMeth
LED-M BrkFree2 JCC
LED-P Scaled Sync JC
LED-M Saw4Stack VCM
LED-M VCO StereoStac
LED-M VCO Holzman JC
LED-M LetsGoCars VCM
LED-M SqrHolzman VCM
LED-M Radiant VCM
LED-M BrassLead VCM
LED-P Prog Organ VCM
LED-P ProphetStab VCM
BAS Prores VCM
BAS NaturalSlap VCM
BAS VoyagerStk VCM
BAS BodyPunch VCM
LED-M FatUnison VCM
BAS AnalogHit VCM
ORG PipeOrgan VCM
ORG Leslie B3 VCM
VCM 4V3O (Int, Jit)
VCM 6V3O (Int)
VCM 5V2O (Int, Jit)
STR StacattoStr VCM
BRS Ceremony VCM
BRS SlowJump VCM
STR Hybrid Pluck VCM
PAD ColdFire VCM
VOX Humana Pmoog VCM