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Sequential Take 5 ELEMENTS Soundset


The ELEMENTS soundset features 128 new patches for your Sequential Take 5 synth. This soundset includes vintage Prophet style sounds, famous song patches, and modern sound designs taking advantage of the mod matrix and more advanced features.



0:00 PAD Dynares Intro

0:41 LED WelcomeMachine (Pink Floyd) *

1:08 SYN AllMyLove (Led Zeppelin) *

1:31 SEQ HaloSpace

2:20 SYN JustWhatINeeded (The Cars) *

2:54 BAS Trident

3:19 SYN BigAnalogStab

3:47 SYN SeparateWay (Journey) *

4:21 SEQ HorizonPulse

5:07 SYN RuleTheWorld (Tears for Fears) *

5:39 ARP SignalComp

6:10 SYN SaveAPrayer (Duran Duran) *

6:30 SYN Holiday (Madonna) *

6:48 PAD SlowJump

7:12 BRS VHJump (Van Halen) *

8:00 KEY BoysOfSummer (Don Henley) *

8:28 KEY OrgBigChurch (Bach)

8:46 ARP ArcadeOG

9:33 SYN AxelF (Harold Faltermayer) *

9:51 PAD AtmosPPG

10:12 BAS BoC ROYGBIV (Boards of Canada) *

10:48 KEY Dynaguitar

11:00 LED LetsGo (The Cars) *

11:37 SYN BetteDavisEyes (Kim Carnes) *

11:56 STR Solimach

12:19 BRS Prince1999 (Prince) *

12:39 LED HolzmanLead (Adam Holzman / Steven Wilson) *

12:57 SYN FairWind

13:49 PAD CarsDrive (The Cars) *

14:37 SEQ ElectroStatic

15:07 SYN PPGChoir

15:46 LED PinkDogs (Pink Floyd) *

16:23 STR CloudSection

16:47 PAD DirtyWorld

17:11 LED DreGThang (Dr. Dre)

17:23 STR Subdivision4P (Rush)

18:25 PAD Plasmafield Outro


* Patches indicated with an asterisk are inspired by the sounds of famous songs / artists. This demo shows off about 37 sounds. There are many more included in the soundset.


There are 128 sound designs in total (8 banks of 16 sounds). They are all organized by type and saved with universal three letter prefixes indicating the type of sound... ie: BAS, LED, PAD, STR, SYN, KEY, ARP, etc... Since similar types of sounds are grouped next to each other in the banks, it makes it easy to find a sound type you're looking for. For example, all the bass tones are in bank 1/2 grouped together. 


BAS - 20 Bass Patches

LED - 12 Lead Patches

SYN - 25 Classic Synth Patches

BRS - 7 Brass Patches

STR - 16 String Patches

PAD - 16 Pad Patches

KEY - 16 Keyboard and Instrument Patches

ARP - 6 Arpeggio Patches

SEQ - 10 Motion, LFO Patches



This is a digital download with 128 patches for your Sequential Take 5 synthesizer. When you purchase, you receive the files immediately. There are eight .syx files included. Each one is a bank of 16 patches. For convenience, I included two identical sets of the eight banks, one set will load to User Bank 1 (1-8), and the other will load to User Bank 2 (9-16) by default. (Note: User Bank 2 was added as an option in version 2.0 of the firmware, available on Sequential's website) These patches work and sound identical on the original firmware, or the v2.0. .. I do recommend getting the latest firmware installed, but not required. To load the .SYX files to your TAKE 5 synth, you can use MIDI-Ox on PC, or SYSEX LIBRARIAN on Mac. (both of these programs are free, and widely used to transfer .syx files over MIDI/USB to instruments.) Additional instructions about sending .syx files are


This product is a digital download only.  This licensed product is only for use with your Sequential Take 5 Synth.   You agree to not copy, redistribute, transfer or resell any of the patches in this product.  They are copyrighted and licensed for your use only.
Manufacturer, artist or product names contained in this sound set may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are in no way associated or affiliated with CreativeSpiral or this digital download.  The names are only used to indicate sonic character that inspired the patches.


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